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Towards a sustainable live music industry: Projects and initiatives FROM FINLAND

  • Under Gulvtæppet / Byens Hus 1 Stændertorvet Roskilde, 4000 Denmark (map)

Towards a sustainable live music industry: Projects and initiatives from Finland is a digital and free platform published in Finland in autumn 2022, serving live music industry operators by providing information, tools and support for promoting sustainable development. The service is based on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which cover environmental, social, and economic sustainable development.

Elma users are able to learn about sustainable development, build a responsibility program, and share information and experiences with other users of the platform. Elma’s goal is to incorporate sustainable development organically into everyday operations for everyone working in the live music sector. At the moment, Elma is available in Finnish, but its core contents will be translated into English during 2023.

The project is administered by the Finnish Jazz Federation, and the technical implementation of the platform is managed by Positive Impact Finland. The project has received funding from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility, as well as the MES and ESES foundations.

This will be an online presentation of Elma's digital toolkit by Anu Ahola

In the panel:

  • Anu Ahola is one of the founders of the KEMUT Sustainable Live Music Industry network in Finland.

    Currently she coordinates the network's joint projects, which are managed by the Finnish Jazz Federation. For more than twenty years, Ahola has worked in a wide range of positions in the music industry, for example as the editor-in-chief of the Finnish Music Quarterly (FMQ) magazine, and in numerous innovative projects, all striving for a more sustainable future.

  • TBA

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