Program 2025
Nordic Folk Alliance presents an inspiring conference program that brings together artists, organizers, and industry professionals from across the Nordics and around the world. Over the course of two days, panels, workshops, and discussions will explore current topics within folk and world music. It is a unique platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and inspiration – a gathering at the heart of Nordic music. Theme for NFA and the Conference Program: Networks and Communities
Thursday, April 3
18:00 – Welcome! Kickoff NFA
19:30 – Fränder & Vänner Folk Music Festival (link)
Friday, April 4
09:00 –Understanding Folk and Traditional Music Audiences and Music Scenes Across Borders
Keynote presentation by Dr. Esbjörn Wettermark.
09:00 –
Nordic Music – The Next Step
A follow-up on efforts to unify Nordic folk music under one label/trademark and the benefits of this initiative.
Panel discussion moderated by Tom Sherlock.
"Nordic Music - Next Steps”
Building on the ‘Aiming High’ concept introduced last year at Nordic Folk Alliance in Denmark, this seminar aims to delve deeper into steps to grow the Nordic Music brand and expand its audiences. Whether you perform, present, publish, listen or organise, you can make a difference.
With Anna Wikenius (Kongero), Ale Carr (Dreamers’ Circus) and Laia Canals (Tempi) Moderated by Tom Sherlock.
10:45 – Breakout Groups: Nordic Music – The Next Step
10:45 –
Folk Dance in Transition: Tradition, Innovation, and Social Impact
A panel discussion exploring how folk dance traditions are evolving through new perspectives and interdisciplinary collaborations, focusing on their role in contemporary societies.
Folk Dance in Transition: Tradition, Innovation, and Social Impact
Moderator: Dr. Esbjörn Wettemark
Position: Research Associate, Department of Music, University of Sheffield
Esbjörn is a musician, educator, and researcher specialising in folk and traditional music. His current research focus on participation and inclusion in the English folk scene.
A Riksspelman since 2005, he is an experienced dance musician as well as a keen morris dancer.
Andreas Berchtold
Position: Doctoral Candidate in Performative and media-based practices with specialization
Choreography, Assistant Professor in Danspedagogy.
Institution: Stockholm University of the Arts, Department of Dance and Dance Pedagogy
Andreas research explores how embodied cultural constitution shapes the understanding of folk dance in contemporary contexts, emphasizing its role in advancing the field through intersecting perspectives and interest in different ways of knowing in Dance.
Stine Lindahl Jacobsen
Position: Associate Professor, Head of Art, Aesthetics & Health & Arts. Health & Humanities.
Institution: Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University
Stine specializes in how music and art can enhance health for individuals and groups across society. Her work focuses on advancing both foundational and applied research in the growing field of arts and health with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinarity, ethics and mechanism of change.
13:00 –
Block Booking – A Sustainable Approach to Touring in the Music Industry
A proven method for organizing sustainable tours, particularly in Canada, with parallels to the Nordic region.
Keynote by Laia Canals.
Block Booking – A Sustainable Approach to Touring in the Music Industry
Through networking and international connections we can locate existing block booking structures, that can be used as stepping stones to create similar structures in the nordics.Hereby we’ll increase the opportunities for musicians to make more gigs when traveling and ensure that the music from other cultures gets spread on a wider geographical area when touring. This first of all with the aim to bring more income into the musicians, agents and managements economy. Secondly bringing down the cost of traveling for musicians and venues, Thirdly making the administration time for agents and management regarding booking and visa struggles more swift and fourthly with a side effect of less days of traveling in and out of airports and time zones making a small help til the global environment with the hope of ensure a better mental health and the full life of being a part of the music industry.
13:00 –
Speed Meetings
Organized by Export Music Sweden, these short, back-to-back meetings provide opportunities for artists and organizers to connect with representatives from the Nordic and international music industries.
15:00 – 19:15 – Showcase Concerts
Saturday, April 5
09:00 –
Mentorship for Agents in the Nordics
A conversation with experienced Canadian agent Noémie Azoulay. Participants can ask questions and receive feedback on their ideas.
09:00-10:00 – Success or disaster - how to create a tour in the US without an agent
Success or disaster - how to create a tour in the US without an agent
Finnish kantele artist Jenni Venäläinen toured with her Melkutus Party band in the US for the first time in the autumn of 2024. She conceived of the tour and was responsible for the booking and budget. In her keynote speech she shares her experiences and tips for creating a community in the USA, how to reach an audience, booking the venues, managing the budget and much more.
09:00 –
Block Booking Workshop
Following the keynote, participants meet delegates involved in block booking networks. Learn how to create and utilize such networks as artists or agents while discussing potential challenges.
Workshop: Meet the block booking networks
In connection with the keynote we invite all of you to meet some of the delegates, that are organized in a block booking network to a talk about how to create these kinds of networks, how to tap into them as artists or agents and what challenges to be aware of.
10:45 –
Block Booking Workshop
Following the keynote, participants meet delegates involved in block booking networks. Learn how to create and utilize such networks as artists or agents while discussing potential challenges.
Workshop: Meet the block booking networks
In connection with the keynote we invite all of you to meet some of the delegates, that are organized in a block booking network to a talk about how to create these kinds of networks, how to tap into them as artists or agents and what challenges to be aware of.
10:45 –
Nordic Goes to Hollywood
A conversation with Erik Rydvall and Olav Mjelva about their experiences working with the film and gaming industries.
Moderator: Tom Sherlock.
"Nordic Goes to Hollywood - Synch in the movies and what it can mean to your career."
Traditional musicians Erik Rydvall and Olav Luksengard Mjelva have had their music featured in films and games such as The Lord of the Rings, Loki, and God of War. In this panel discussion they outline how placement in film soundtracks and in the gaming world can broaden your appeal to wider audiences. Moderated by Tom Sherlock.
13:00 –
Mentorship for Agents in the Nordics
A conversation with experienced Canadian agent Noémie Azoulay. Participants can ask questions and receive feedback on their ideas.
13:00 – Workshop TBA.
14:00 – Wrap-Up of NFA 2025
14:30 – 18:00 – Showcase Concerts
19:00 – The Folk & World Music Gala (link)