Basco (DK)

Ása & Ásta (IS)

Kalejdoskop Trio (SE)

Ida Wenøe &
The Wondrous Sea (DK)

Espen Wensaas &
Bjørn Kåre Odde (NO)

Lena Jonsson &
Johanna Juhola (SE)

Kasvu (FI)

Uld (NO)


  • Allan Skrobe is a versatile musician and an experienced host with a deep passion for folk and world music. With his warm presence and ability to connect with both artists and audiences, Allan blends humor and professionalism on stage. He has a long-standing career of cross-genre collaborations and is renowned for creating a welcoming and inspiring atmosphere. During the showcase concerts at Nordic Folk Alliance, Allan guides the audience through an evening filled with musical discovery and joy.

    Photo: Jon Antonsson

Melkutus Party (FI)

Áššu (Sápmi)